One Last Breath

Author/Artist: Creed
Название: One Last Breath
Альбом: Weathered
Переписано: Andrew Shantz and Steve Rose
Hey everyone, this is my very first tab. I 99.9% sure it's correct. I used a special program to slow down the verse section in order to catch all the right notes. I hope you like it. If you have any questions, comments, or corrections be sure to let me know. Thanks.
Verse - (clean)
Chorus #1 - (clean)
Chorus #2 - (w/distortion)
Intro To Bridge - (w/distortion)
Bridge - (w/distortion)
Outro - (clean)
|start to slow down
Verse x3
Chorus #1 (0:47) x2
Verse (1:02) x3
Chorus #2 (1:47) X4
Intro To Bridge (2:17) x2
Bridge (2:24) x2
Chorus #1 (2:54) x2
Chorus #2 (3:09) X4
Outro (3:41)


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